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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Five-Line Poem

Please post your last week's creative writing exercise here.


  1. Albert

    Shrimps are trivial beings that live under the sea.
    They know nothing but to eat and to swim.
    But their legs move as if they were calming the anger of the sea.
    They don't care if life is a whimp.
    Shrimps swim, eat and live, not wanting to be seen.

  2. Money

    Life is a thick green notebook in my bag. People may write down many pages of travelling experiences belongs to their own stories. Travelling is exciting and venturing to arrive in the final destination.
    I’m still waiting to ride on my van and I will bring my notebook to keep track of all my experiences.
    I know that someday I will put down the most beautiful words on my notebook.

  3. Money


    Life is a thick green notebook in my bag.
    People may write down many pages of travelling experiences belongs to their own stories.
    Travelling is exciting and venturing to arrive in the final destination.
    I’m still waiting to ride on my van and I will bring my notebook to keep track of all my experiences.
    I know that someday I will put down the most beautiful words on my notebook.

  4. Dumplins

    Dumplins are the most inviting food in the world.
    Dumplins taste so tender and juicy.
    Dumplins have magical attraction that drags everybody toward them.
    Dumplins soothe all the starving stomachs thanks to the convenience for cooking.
    Dumplins are always the same but never out of fashion.

  5. Richard

    Your key is a blue trouble,
    piercing heartlessly and making my life crumble.
    Uneasiness creeps like a chameleon.
    Having meal alone besides the kitchen table,
    I pray secretly that you will knock my door tomorrow.

  6. Nicky :))

    Forgiveness is an eraser in black.
    It can erase my mistakes.
    Guilt is clawing and biting.
    My eraser is missing and I can’t find it.
    Maybe someday I will return.

  7. Joan

    crosswalk is a comfort zone
    crosswalk is a place of safety
    It keeps the passersby from dager and harm
    It sets a time limit.
    Crosswalk determines when to cross the road.

  8. Philip flip-flops :D

    Oh! Flip-flops, my adorable sweet
    You supply me with orange release
    Flip-flops are reported to result in sore foot
    Nevertheless, my perseverance lives for good
    I wore flip-flops every day, even if the weather was freezing
    My dear, you passed away since your straps were broken
    Knowing clearly that your death was only temporary,
    You wait for your upcoming rebirth calmly
