Please check up on this site from time to time for all matters concerning this course.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Lyric I Hate

Please post here your finished version of "The Lyric I Hate" in one paragraph.

Remember to give the following information:

1. Your Name
2. Times of Revision
3. The Paragraph

To Be, or Not to Be~

My Dear Dearest Class,

We've moved on from descriptive writing to analytic writing. Last week we had our first try with "The Lyric I Hate." This week, we shall work our analytic writing into the structure of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Please write an article in either one paragraph or three paragraphs entitled "To __, or Not to ___." When you write, please keep in mind the two requirements to meet: 1) the writing has be to analytic; 2) the structure must be thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

Next week, we shall begin our class meeting with Chapter 2: Supporting Topic Sentences: Examples, Details, Anecdotes, Facts and Statistics (mainly pp. 23-24; p. 34; We covered pp. 31-32 in class today).

Sunday, September 25, 2011


  1. 上週作業尚未完稿者,請儘速完成。
  2. 上週作業完稿者,請儘速張貼於"My Hero"一欄。
  3. 本週作業-"The Lyric I Hate",一段五句,請注意寫成相關一致的段落,而非不同內容的駁雜字句。
  4. 課本習作:Identifying Irrelevant Sentences (pp.12-13)。
* 第三項初稿請於週二晚間12:00 A.M.前寄到

My Hero

Please post here your finished version of "My Hero" in one paragraph.

Remember to give the following information:

1. Your Name
2. Times of Revision
3. The Paragraph

* I know I promised to do this on your behalf, but I find out I can't. Please do me this favor by posting your own paragraph. Thank you, my dear class!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework for the Week

This is to remind you of the homework assignments for this week:

  1. One paragraph of descriptive writing on your hero. Remember: no names, no places, no nationalities...and you have only 5 sentences to finish the profile of your hero.
  2. Log in and leave both your Chinese name and your English name under "來者何人!?."
  3. Read and finish all exercises in: (a) "TOPIC VERSUS TOPIC SENTENCE," "Now Ask Yourself," and "EXERCISE1-1" (pp. 3-6); (b) "PARAGRAPH UNITY" and "Now Ask Yourself" (pp. 8-12).





* 我已經打電話到文鶴了,他們會給大家折扣(我忘了問幾折),請直接找一位盧先生(Luc),說要買師大英語系中級寫作的課本Paragraph Development。剛剛碰到了Spe,她好像說會幫大家拿吧!總之,就請大家搞定囉!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to School!

It's been a long break...a long break from school, a long break from studies, and a long break from writing!

This is the textbook for our writing class:
Title: Paragraph Development
Author: Martin L. Arnaudet & Mary Ellen Barrett
Publisher: Longman
ISBN: 0-13-648502-2

Please try to get a copy before our class meets again next week. (I don't care if you buy, steal, or rob someone of a copy of it!)